If you have ever been around a dog, you know that dog bites can be severe. They can result in severe injuries or infections that require expensive medical care. You may be at risk for a dog bite at a park, on a walking trail, in a dog owner’s home, or even on your property. The populations most at risk for life-threatening injuries from dog bites include young children and the elderly.
Even if you are a dog lover, you should hold owners accountable for the violent actions of their pets. It can be hard to pursue a personal injury case against a dog-owner. However, you deserve compensation for your injuries and affected finances. Getting a Las Vegas dog bite lawyer from Accident Attorneys of Southern Nevada can help you pursue financial recovery.
How Common Are Dog Bites in Las Vegas?
Dog bites are common in Las Vegas and the rest of the United States. There are about 90 million dogs in the country. So, you can be sure that some of them are bound to bite from time to time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- There are 4.7 million dog bites annually in the U.S.
- 800,000 bites require medical care
- 58% of dog bite deaths occurred on the dog owner’s property
- Adults are three times less likely than children to get a severe dog bite injury
- 50% of dog bites involve children under 12 years old
- 70% of fatal dog bites involve children under ten years old
About 1,000 people visit emergency rooms because of dog bites daily. Being attacked by a dog is also psychologically damaging. Both children and adults can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or animal aversion after a dog attack. Even if the attack seems like no big deal, you should consult a lawyer with experience in personal injury cases.
Is the Dog Owner Liable in a Dog Attack Case?
Dog owners must keep their dogs adequately restrained, especially if they have a pattern of aggressive behavior. To hold the owner accountable, you have to prove that they were negligent with their pet. In Nevada, the owner does not have to predict the potentially dangerous behavior of the dog for the victim to get recovery.
If the owner’s negligence led to your injuries, you might receive compensations for:
- Your injuries
- Medical treatment required
- Pain and suffering
Regardless of the situation, you should not feel responsible for a dog’s behavior. Dogs can bite for many reasons, and a Las Vegas dog bite attorney can help get to the bottom of the cause. The attorney can also determine if the owner could have prevented the situation and who is responsible.
Your lawyer will consider factors relevant to your case, such as whether the owner had the dog:
- Restrained
- Identified
- Socialized
- Vaccinated
- Exercised
These factors help determine if the dog was a safety risk due to the owner’s failure to care for it properly.
How Soon After a Dog Bite Injury Do You Have to File a Case?
Nevada State Law makes owners responsible for damage caused by a dangerous dog. The law defines a dangerous dog as one who behaved so menacingly (unprovoked) that it “would lead a reasonable person to defend himself.” If there are more than two reports on one dog in an 18-month period, law enforcement can deem the dog dangerous.
The owner is responsible for injuries if they fail to:
- leash their pet,
- enclose their pet, or
- control their pet in public or private spaces.
However, the victim of the bite may be liable if they:
- Intentionally provoke the dog into attacking
- Approach the dog after the owner warns against it
In Nevada, you have two years to file a lawsuit against a negligent party for personal injury cases. The court may not agree to hear your case if you wait longer than that deadline. For this reason, you should contact a Las Vegas dog bite law firm as soon as possible after the incident. Your case may be more robust with recent evidence.
When your lawyer evaluates your dog bite case, they will look at the nature of the attack. All dog bite cases are different, so the approach must be unique to your situation. Your attorney may ask questions such as:
- Where did the attack occur?
- Were you visiting a home or office space?
- Did the dog attack from the owner’s unsecured property?
- Were you engaging with the dog, or were you passing by the dog?
These questions help your lawyer customize their approach and help you with your financial recovery.
Contact a Las Vegas Dog Bite Lawyer Today
Dog bite injuries can be expensive and debilitating. Our law firm understands what you are going through, and we know how to help you get the compensation you need. When you are injured, the last thing on your mind should be legal jargon. Let us take care of your case while you focus on recovery.
Our lawyers handle all sorts of personal injury cases, and we have years of legal experience in Las Vegas. Accident Attorneys of Southern Nevada will give you or your loved one personal attention and keep you updated with any new information.
You will have access to a paralegal at any time you need to speak or meet during business hours. As a client, you will also be able to access your case information online. Our attorneys are aggressive and not afraid to litigate.
If a dog bit you or your child, do not wait to get justice. Call Accident Attorneys of Southern Nevada at (702) 565-4335. You will get a free initial consultation to determine the right plan of action for you. Our costs are based on contingency, so all of our cases are “no win, no fee.”